
Sam Arch

PhD Student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University


Hi, I'm Sam! I'm a second-year PhD student in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University, co-advised by Prof. Andy Pavlo and Prof. Todd Mowry. I also collaborate closely with Prof. Jignesh Patel.

My research interests are at the intersection of compilers and database systems, with a specific focus on improving the performance of SQL queries that invoke user-defined functions (UDFs).

Before starting grad school, I worked as a Compiler Engineer at Apple, where I helped ship Metal-accelerated rendering in Blender 3.1. Before that, I did my undergrad at The University of Sydney, Australia.


The Key to Effective UDF Optimization: Before Inlining, First Perform Outlining (Accepted)
Samuel Arch, Yuchen Liu, Jignesh M. Patel, Todd C. Mowry, Andrew Pavlo.
VLDB (2025).

Dear User-Defined Functions, Inlining isn’t working out so great for us. Let’s try batching to make our relationship work. Sincerely, SQL
Kai Franz, Samuel Arch, Denis Hirn, Torsten Grust, Todd C. Mowry, Andrew Pavlo.
CIDR (2024).


PhD Student, Carnegie Mellon University (2022 - Present).

Compiler Engineer, Apple (2021).


15-745: Optimizing Compilers for Modern Architectures. Head TA (Fall 2023).